Safety Tips For Citizen

Criminal Investigation Department

West Bengal

Cyber Crime

Advisory Book 

  1. Cyber awareness and hygiene for parents 

Talk to your children about the potential online threats such as cyber grooming, bullying, and stalking, keep track of their online activities. Set clear guidelines for internet and online games usage.

Notice indicators of change in behaviour of Your Child: If your child begins to spend more time online and starts being defensive or secretive about their online activities, it may be an indicator of cyber grooming. Talk to your child and engage him/ her in other activities.

Protect your child from Cyber Grooming: Grooming is a practice where someone builds an emotional bond with a child through social media or chat window with an objective of gaining their trust for sexual exploitation.

Children may remove privacy settings on social media to make more friends. Parents should discuss responsible use of social media. Also, they should educate and help them in selecting strong privacy settings in their social media accounts.

Never click suspicious links or attachments: Never click on links or files received in e-mail, text message or social media from unknown person. This may be an attempt to infect computer with a malware.

Cover your webcams: A web camera (default in laptops) if hacked/compromised can be leveraged as a medium to keep a watch and record day to day activities. It is recommended to cover webcam when not in use.

Install anti-virus software with parental control functionality or parental control software on the devices used by children and review there privacy settings of social media sites used by them.

Keep software updated: Keep your software and operating system up-to-date. Hackers target software vulnerabilities to access private information and putting you at risk, so make sure to update all your software application on the mobile or computer device with the latest security patches. Never install software, games, music and apps from unknown/untrusted sources.

Set Secure browser settings: Always choose updated version of the browser and install safe browsing tools for protecting yourself from hackers and malware.

2. Cyber awareness and hygiene for teens and young adults


Secure your online presence just like you secure yourself: If you have not selected the right settings on your social media accounts, then photos and videos posted can be viewed, downloaded and used by others without your knowledge.

Select the right privacy settings and content sharing filters on social media so that you are sharing your information, photos and videos only with your trusted ones.

  • Be selective about accepting friend request of strangers on social media.
  • Learn how to block someone who is making you uncomfortable.
  • Learn how to remove someone from your friends list.
  • Remember to logout from social media websites after use.
  • Secure your phone with password.
  • If you notice your fake account has been created, you can immediately inform social media service provider so that the account can be blocked.

Be mindful of your appearance on video chat & video calls

  • Your video chats on social media sites can be recorded by the person on the other side.
  • There have been instances where video chats which were supposed to be private in nature have been recorded and shared on social media groups and websites.
  • Be careful while accepting chat requests from strangers.

Do not use Smartphone for taking sensitive personal photographs and videos

Do not use Smartphone for taking sensitive personal photographs and videos. Most of the smartphones are connected to internet and cloud storage. If a picture or video has been clicked/ recorded by using smartphone connected with the cloud, it may get saved automatically into the cloud. Even if users delete their photos or videos from their phone, the same photo or video can be recovered from the cloud account or any other device/ PC connected to the cloud using same account.

If someone has taken such photograph using Smartphone, then take it seriously and make sure to get it deleted from their smartphone, the cloud and any other device connected using the same account.

Protect yourself from Cyber stalking: Cyber stalkers show advances on a person repeatedly despite clear indication of disinterest by such person. They use internet, email, social media or any other form of electronic communication for stalking

Disable location services for social media sites, mobile devices etc.

Refrain from sharing your personal information like Phone number, e-mail address, date of birth, photographs with unknown persons

Consult your relatives and friends, if you think you are a victim of Cyber stalking

Beware of fake social media accounts- Not all the accounts are real and not all information provided on accounts are true

Be cautious while accepting friend requests from strangers.

Be cautious with sensitive Browsing

One should browse shopping or banking websites or apps only on a device that belongs to him/ her or on a trusted network. Avoid using friend’s phone, public computer, cyber cafe or free Wi-Fi for sensitive browsing as data can be stolen or copied.

The deleted data on your communication devices can be recovered

Be careful while you give your mobile devices, PC’s for servicing/repairing/selling: Personal commuters and mobile devices consists private information’s which needs to be erased before sending it for repairing, servicing or selling.

Protect your communication devices: Prevent others from accessing your devices by providing password, PIN, Pattern or biometric information. Always install applications to your mobile phones, computers, etc. from a trusted source only e.g. Play store, App store or from official company websites

Report if you find content related to of Child Pornography (CP)/Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) or sexually explicit material

Any content related to of Child Pornography (CP)/ Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) or sexually explicit material such as Rape/ Gang Rape (CP/RGR) content should be reported to the concerned social media website

If anybody of your acquaintance shares Child Pornography (CP)/ Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) or sexually explicit material with you, it is your duty as a responsible citizen to inform the concerned person that publication, collection and distribution of Child Pornography (CP)/ Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) or sexually explicit material is illegal and he should refrain from doing such activities.

You can also report it on National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal (


3. Cyber awareness and hygiene for organizations


How to deal with Child Pornography (CP)/ Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) or sexually explicit material in workplace?

All organisations should have clear and strong HR policies on how to deal with content on Child Pornography (CP)/ Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) or sexually explicit material

Organisations should have clear rules for use of electronic devices provided by the organisation

If any employee is found possessing obscene or indecent content, proper investigation and action should be taken against them

The organisation should report any incidence of sharing and storage of obscene content within the organisation to the police. The copy of the content should be saved as an evidence with restricted access

All other copies of the content should be deleted

They can also report through National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal (

Publication, Collection and Distribution of Child Pornography (CP)/Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) or sexually explicit material is illegal

Under Section 67 and 67A of Information Technology Act, 2000 makes publication and distribution of any material containing sexually explicit act or conduct in electronic form a punishable offence

Section 67B of IT Act, criminalizes browsing, downloading, creation, publication and distribution of child pornography

Be safe, Browse safe!

For Motor Cycle Riders

  1. Don’t be a hell mate, use Helmet
  2. Avoid triple riding, two-wheelers for two only.
  3. Avoid cell phone while driving.
  4. Avoid High Speeds.
  5. Drive to care not to dare.
  6. Obey traffic signals.
  7. Keep the papers of the vehicle with you.

For Hotels/Guest houses

  1. Insist on identification documents and contact number before booking a room for the guest.
  2. Install CCTV cameras and report about suspicious guest to the police.
  3. Keep all the fire fighting equipments/arrangements which are very much essential from the fire safety point of view.
  4. Deploy adequate no. of private security guard.

For Landlords, Property Dealers, Car Dealer or Guest House Owners

  1. Do not let your premises without satisfying yourself about the antecedents of the tenant.
  2. Insist on identification documents before booking a room for the guest. Install CCTV at your premises.

For Pedestrians

  1. Use supervised or controlled crossing points such as pedestrian crossings and traffic lights, wherever possible
  2. At pedestrian crossings, wait until all traffic has stopped before crossing the road. It’s a good idea to make eye contact with the car drivers before you step off the pavement
  3. If there is no formal crossing point, make sure you cross away from buses, parked cars and corners so that motorists can easily see you
  4. Keep one step back from the kerb before you cross
  5. Look and listen for traffic in all directions. If there is traffic coming, wait until it has passed. Look and listen for traffic again. When there is no traffic coming walk quickly straight across the road, looking each way for traffic.
  6. Always alert and avert accident .
  7. Be alert while responding to queries by covering the wind screen. The person may be a snatcher & may have targeted your cell phone / purse.
  8. Be alert when you are crossing the road with kids. Kids can run along the road removing your hand while traffic light is on.

For Principal/Head of the educational Institutions

  1. Engage adequate number of security guards in the school.
  2. Each student and staff member must wear an identity card (giving his name, parent/guardian’s name, address, class, phone no. and blood group and other details).
  3. Each student must be told to memorise the phone no. of his parents/guardians.
  4. There should be a public address system in each school.
  5. There should be proper fire fighting measures like extinguishers, smoke alarms etc with standing instructions and training to staff/students as to their operation.
  6. CCTV with recording facility at the entrance / parking area should be installed.
  7. Report eve-teasing / harassment and drug abuse to nearest PS / Police Control room by dialling 100.
  8. To educate the students about traffic rules.

For Rickshaw Pullers, Auto, Bus, Car and Taxi drivers

  1. Check your vehicle before you take it on road like air in tyre, break oil, gear oil etc.
  2. Obey traffic signal and control you speed at all the road-crossing, bus-stop area, schools and hospital area.
  3. Check thoroughly your taxi/auto/rickshaw/bus etc, including undercarriage and ensure that the passenger do not leave any bag or article.
  4. Remain alert and vigilant about surroundings especially where your vehicle or rickshaw is parked.
  5. Maintain your vehicle and keep it properly tuned to ensure safety and reduce pollution.

For Telephone Booths/Cyber Cafes

  1. Erect firewalls and take technical measures to ensure cyber safety.
  2. Cyber cafe owners must check the original Aadhar card/PAN card and note down the Aadhar card/PAN card number of all customers visiting the cyber cafe. Telephone booth owners should check original Aadhar card/PAN card of the customer and take down note of the same.

For Vendors

  1. Be watchful and report any suspicious activity around you.
  2. Make sure no customer leaves his belongings behind.
  3. Keep an eye on suspicious looking customers

For Web Browsers

  1. General Safety Tips
  2. We all know that the Internet is a cool place to hang with friends and check out new things. But don’t forget about the Internet’s risks and dangers. If you’re going to use the Web, do it safely! Here are some suggestions on what you should and shouldn’t be doing online to help protect you against the bad stuff. Be careful online.
  3. Never reveal personally – identifiable information online. A lot of crooks use the Internet to take advantage of other people, especially kids and teens. Never reveal any personally-identifiable information online, whether it’s on your profile page or in a blog, chatroom, instant messenger chat or email.
  4. Always use a screen name instead of your real name.
  5. Never give out your address, telephone number, hangout spots or links to other websites or pages where this information is available.
  6. Be careful about sending pictures to people you do not know very well.
  7. Never tell people personal or private information about your family or friends.
  8. Never assume you’re completely anonymous online. Even if you don’t put personal information online, there are different ways that people can still figure out who you are and where you live. Never share your password with other people Your passwords to websites, email accounts and instant messenger services should not be shared with friends or strangers. Your friends may not be as safe as you are and may unknowingly subject you to danger.
  9. Never arrange meetings with strangers. Just because you’ve seen a person’s picture and read his or her profile, does not mean you know them. Many people online lie about who they are and what their intentions are. Just because someone seems nice online, does not mean they really are. They could be trying to hurt you. Never arrange a meeting with a stranger you’ve met online. Even meeting a stranger in a crowded place could be dangerous as he could follow you home. If you wish to meet an online friend in person, talk to your parents and arrange a time and place where your friend can meet your parents first, just in case. If you are worried about your parents meeting one of your online friends, you probably shouldn’t be friends with them in the first place.
  10. Don’t believe everything you read or see online. Be wary of everything you see online unless it is from a trusted source. People lie about their age, who they are, what they look like, where they live, how they know you and what their interests are. Also, a lot of websites and emails contain information that is misleading or just plain untrue. If a person or deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Ask your parents to help you figure out what information is really true.
  11. Don’t download files or software without your parents’ permission. There are a lot of files on the Internet that are unsafe to download to a computer. Some files will bombard you with pop-up ads all day long. Some files will actually track everything you and your family does on your computer, including your logins, passwords and credit card information, which criminals then use to steal money from you and do other harm. There is no easy way to tell which files are bad and which are ok to download. That free desktop wallpaper you want to download might also steal your parents’ credit card information. Ask your parents before you download any files or software from the Internet.
  12. Don’t respond to inappropriate messages or emails. Some people send inappropriate messages just to see if you will respond. If you do, you are simply encouraging them to send more inappropriate material to you. Don’t respond to inappropriate messages. Instead, talk to your parents about how to report them to the right place.
  13. Don’t post inappropriate content. If you post information about tennis, you will attract people who are interested in tennis. If you post inappropriate content or pictures, you will attract people who have inappropriate interests. If you post jokes, photos or other content that contain sexual references you will probably attract people who are only interested in talking about sex. Be mindful of what you are communicating to the rest of the online world through the content you put onto the Internet.
  14. DO not answer personal questions asked by strangers. People you don’t know who ask personal questions are often up to no good. Don’t continue communicating with strangers who ask you personal questions. Talk to your parents about how to block them from communicating with you and report them to the right place.
  15. Don’t be bullied into fights. People tend to say things online that they would never say in person. Some people even say rude and malicious things, sometimes just to see if you will respond. Don’t respond to these people. Instead, talk to your parents about how to block them from communicating with you and report against them before the authority.
  16. Don’t surf adult sites. There are some websites that kids just should not use. Don’t use websites that contain adult content or that facilitate communication with older adults. No matter how much you think you know about the Internet, there are some people and places you just aren’t ready to deal with. Enjoy websites that are designed for people of your own age.
  17. Understand what you put online will be there forever. Assume that everything you put online—- every email you write, every picture you post, every blog or journal entry you post—- will be accessible to the netizens forever. Many search engines copy Internet pages and save them for viewing even after the pages are no longer online. Think about that before you post anything online. Do you really want pictures or blog entries to be seen 10 years from now?

Road Safety Tips


  1. Check your vehicle before taking it out on road.
  2. Don’t use your mobile phone whilst driving
  3. Belt up in the back
  4. Don’t drink and drive.
  5. Always adhere to speed limits
  6. Steer clear of erratic drivers. Let a tailgater pass you.
  7. Keep your eyes on the road. Talking on a cell phone or reading a map can distract you and lead to an accident. Keep in mind that a distracted driver might also be near you. Drive cautiously.
  8. Be alert near parked cars. Someone could open a car door or pull out in front of you.
  9. Don’t drive sleep-deprived. Sleep is not a matter of willpower, but a biological need. If you become drowsy, pull off the road and get some rest.
  10. When passing another car, get past the driver’s blind spot as quickly and safely as possible.
  11. Keep your distances from 5 to 10 metrs.
  12. Avoid High Speeds and control speed at important crossing, bus-stand areas, school & hospital area and also at congested area.
  13. Help in traffic management and Traffic Police.
  14. Take special care about children, senior citizens and pedestrians.
  15. Always observe and anticipate other road users
  16. Drive to care not to dare
  17. Don’t be rash, as being rash lets you crash.
  18. Day or night obey traffic rules.

Safety Tips to Prevent Car Theft

  1. Keep valuables outside the bedroom: A burglar on the hunt for valuables in a home will make the master bedroom their first stop—since that’s where the cash and jewellery are most commonly stored. So if you do keep such valuables on your property, find another room to store them.
  2. Radio running: Noise helps prevent burglaries as well. Your home is more likely to be burglarized during the day because they think that nobody is home.
  3. Free police inventory: Homeowners should be sure to remember the basics of home-theft prevention, keeping windows and doors locked at all times. For homeowners looking to go a step further, House worth suggests contacting the local police department and having an officer stop by the house for a safety check-up.
  4. Fill up and deposit maid servant/ driver information form (along with photograph) to the Police Station. This will act as a big deterrent as these are the people who often give tips to criminals.
  5. Install CCTV with recording facility at entrance and corridors.
  6. Keep an electric bulb ‘ON’ when not at home.
  7. Dial 100 if you notice anything suspicious.
  8. Use safety chains while opening doors for the strangers. Use key holes to ascertain the identity of the visitor.
  9. Keep watch on casual visitors like plumbers, auto/ rickshaw drivers, salesman and be careful not to divulge important information.
  10. Do not keep excessive liquid cash / jewellery at home. Use bank / lockers for deposits.

Tips For Children

  1. Do not give out identifying information such as name, home address, school name or telephone number in a chat room.
  2. Do not send your photograph to any one on the internet without initially checking with the parent or guardian.
  3. Do not respond to messages or bulletin board items that are obscene, belligerent or threatening.
  4. Never arrange a face to face meeting without informing your parent or guardian.
  5. Remember that people online may not be who they seem to be.

All citizens are requested to report any suspicious activities or suspicious baggage/article on toll free no. 100 Your identity will be kept secret.

  1. Do not think that it cannot happen to you.
  2. Always be aware of your surroundings.
  3. If being followed or stalked, call 100 or drive directly to a police station.
  • Don’ts
    • Do not touch any unclaimed, abandoned, suspicious object till arrival of Police.
    • Do not touch any unclaimed, abandoned, suspicious object till arrival of Police.
    • Do not panic, on getting any information or receiving telephone calls regarding any subversive activities and extend necessary assistance to Police.
    • Do not crowd the place if any suspicious object has been found. Please co-operate with police and clear the area as soon as possible.
    • Do not unnecessarily loiter in public places and co-operate with authorities.
    • Do not leave your personal baggage or leave your vehicle / two wheeler/ bicycle unattended at any place for long.
    • Do not be a guaranter to loan unless you know and trust the persons.
    • DO not sign as an identifier, if you do not know a person well.
  • Do’s
    • Please inform about suspicious activity, if any, that comes to your notice to local Police Station Your identity will not be disclosed.
    • Please inform about any unclaimed, abandoned or suspicious articles lying in your locality on toll free no. 100.
    • Please inform if you find any unclaimed vehicle, two-wheeler or any bi-cycle parked in your locality for long time.
    • Please help in maintaining peace by not believing in rumours.
    • Buy cell phone sets/articles from authenticated source / sellers. Buying these articles cheaper from unknown source can land you in trouble as the articles could be stolen property.

General Safety Guidelines

  1. Have a proper peep hole in your front door so that you can identify the person before opening the door.
  2. Have a chain lock inside your front door so that you can partially open the door and verify the stranger before opening the door.
  3. As far as possible verify identity of your servant. Ask for his identity proof preferably voter ID-Card and keep a copy with you. Ask for two references and verify with them over phone. Keep a recent photograph of your servant. If it is not readily available click a photograph with your camera / mobile.
  4. Please install a car alarm in your vehicle. It is not expensive compared to the value of your vehicle.
  5. Please keep the phone number of your police station, and the district/ commission rates control rooms in you mobile. These will be useful in an emergency.
  6. Do not give your bank cheque book to anyone. It should be in your safe custody.
  7. Banks do not ask for your credit card/debit card/ATM password / PIN number etc. If you get any e-mail or telephone call asking for these details do not give any such information and immediately inform the bank.
  8. As far as possible avoid being alone in lonely/poorly lit places especially late in the night.
  9. Do not accept car lift from strangers.
  10. While traveling in train do not accept food / drinks / water from strangers, you may be drugged.
  11. If your son / daughter is offered job through an agent please verify the identity of the agent. Keep Xerox of Voter ID Card, Aadhar card, PAN card and photograph of the agent.
  12. Talk to the employer over phone to be sure of genuineness of his credentials. You may consult Panchayat, local social workers or Police Station.
  13. If there is an offer of marriage for your daughter from far off place, it is better to consult Panchayat, Police or local social workers of the locality unless you are sure about the background of the groom.
  14. E-mail passwords should be as long as possible and should be alpha numeric. e.g. a password ‘my village’ is not safe, whereas a password ‘@ my%village&12’ is safe.
  15. Do not open a mail from unknown source. Never click on links/attachments received along with SMS/e-mail.
  16. Monetary transactions over Internet should be done only through safe sites with URL beginning with https://
  17. Have authentic anti-virus protection to your computer and use genuine operating system. Update them regularly.
  18. Do not write your PIN number in ATM Card or Credit Card Cover. If you lose your ATM Card and PIN together you may lose all your money.
  19. Read carefully all important documents and then sign them. Avoid initials / short signatures. Never sign a blank document. Use full signature and sign fluently.
  20. Use your own pen while signing documents, forms, and cheque. Someone may give you a pen with invisible ink and cheat you by tampering the document later.
  21. Beware of schemes offering unusually very high returns. Never agree to pay advance for unsolicited offers of winning huge sums in lotteries, prize money, lucrative jobs etc.

Fake Indian Currency Notes (FICN)

– “In the month of February, 2010, a team of CID, West Bengal nabbed two dreaded FICN racketeers Minarul Haque and Jasimuddin, both of Malda. They were carrying huge number of fake currency notes in denomination of Rs.1000 & Rs.500. They were convicted for their crime.”

  1. Possession of FICN not only causes financial loss to the bearer but also adversely affects the Indian economy. It may also be used to finance terrorist activities.
  2. Don’t be afraid if you receive FICN during transaction. Report to the nearest Police Station or Bank.
  3. Know your Note: Intaglio feature, Water Mark of Mahatma Gandhi, Vertical Latent Image of the denomination on right hand side, Optical variable ink on the print of denomination, See through Register, Identification Mark, crackling sound of paper, Security Thread bearing RBI & Bharat.
  4. There are no free lunches in this world.
  5. Check the ATM keyboard for signs of tampered keys.
  6. Press Cancel button after completion of the trans action or after unsuccessful transaction attempt.
  7. Memorize the PIN number. Don’t save it in your computer device or mobile phone.
  8. Don’t allow anybody to watch your transaction.
  9. Change your PIN regularly.

Safety Tips for Foreigners

  1. Carry your wallet in an inside jacket pocket or side trouser pocket, never in the rear pocket
  2. Carry credit cards and minimal cash in your pockets
  3. Leave valuables and important papers, such as jewellery and passports, secured in your hotel's safe deposit box. Never leave these items unattended in your room or carry large sums of cash on your own.
  4. Be wary of unexpected persons coming to your hotel room. Never open the door to unsolicited room service or maintenance people. Contact the front desk if you have any doubts.
  5. If you schedule a meeting with a potential client, research the company and the individual with whom you are meeting. Meet in a public place such as a restaurant.
  6. Make sure that luggage only given to a member of the hotel's bell staff and a receipt is issued for stored luggage. Never leave luggage or other expensive items, unattended at Airport or Taxi Stands.
  7. Kindly contact on counter "May I help you" available in "Arrival Hall" at airport for help and guidance.
  8. Prefer Prepaid Taxi Booth for hired transportation. In this system you have to pay in advance for Taxi Fare which is already approved by Department of Transport, Govt. of West Bengal for each destination in Kolkata, Bidhannagar, Barrackpore, North 24Parganas.
  9. Adequate number of police officers are deputed in proper uniform outside the Arrival Hall and Parking area. You can contact nearest police officer to intimate about undesirable elements and touts in your observation.
  10. In addition to above, police officers in plain clothes are also deputed to keep watch on suspicious movements. Therefore, you should never entertain the touts and avoid unscrupulous persons to avoid harassment.
  11. Preplan your destination in Bidhannagar regarding your stay and tourism in Bidhannagar. Never take advice of unknown persons regarding your stay / tourism in Bidhannagar.
  12. Take proper care of their travel documents during their stay in india.
  13. The foreigners may be advised to adhere to visa guidelines.
  14. If for some unavoidable reasons, a foreign citizen requires an extension for his stay in India, he should apply for the same, at least 2 months prior to the expiry of the valid period of his stay in India, to the Office of the Foreigner's Registration Officer i.e. Deputy Commissioner of Police (Special Branch).
  15. No person may enter Indian borders without a proper passport and valid Indian Visa.
  16. After landing at Indian shores, every foreigner should register himself with the concerned Foreigner's Registration Officer within a period of 15 days. However, a foreign citizen visiting India on a tourist visa and intending to stay in India for a period of 180 days or less, does not need to get registered.

Anti Human Trafficking

“Sukumar (name changed) lodged a complaint that his daughter Minati (name changed) was missing for few months. He had sent his daughter with an agent for domestic work . After few days Sukumar did not receive any information about Minati. After investigation CID was successful in recovering MInati from illegal traffickers in Delhi.”

  1. Always verify the credibility of agents from local Panchayet, Police Stations or Social Workers. Collect Agent’s phone number and proof of identity preferably Voter ID.
  2. Get details including address and the phone number of your ward’s employer. Contact him in advance.
  3. Always keep photographs, phone numbers, passport details (if available) of your ward in your possession and keep in regular touch with him over phone/letters etc..